My New Hallway Runners!


That doorway at the end of the hallway leads to our garage and is a straight shot to our kitchen. The linen closet, laundry room, guest bath, bonus room, pantry and utility room are all on this hallway!  So any rugs that go in here have to hold up to traffic and all the dirt coming in from working outside.

I shared a rug poll on my instagram with 10 runner choices and this one won by over 70%! It also fit or needs for size and forgiving pattern so it won't show stains.  It comes in up to 12' long!  Our hallway in 25' long. Trying to find a good looking affordable rug in a length like that isn't easy!

We have this particular rug in our master as well, and I love it!  The colors in it are complimentary to so many styles so it lends itself to impress any space you use it in.

I've gotten a lot of questions about this split spindle bench and so I want to make sure I mention that it was thrifted so I won't have link for it but if I come across anything similar, I'll let you all know and link it.

Here is a before and after of the hallway. It always amazes me how much difference a rug can make in a space!

Here are the other rugs I contemplated


For ALL sources from this hallway, click here.

You can view more of this rug on my reels if you click here. Or scroll to the very bottom and click an image to go straight to my Instagram.

Here are the other rugs I contemplated with links below...

From Left to Right

1    |    2    |    3    |    4    |    5    |    6    |    7    

Here they are photoshopped into my hallway...

If you're hunting for hallway runners too, happy rug hunting!  I hope this post helped.  

Don't forget to follow along on my instagram where I share my love for thrifting, decor hunting, diy, daily bologna on stories and more!


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